Wednesday 26 June 2019

Towards an Outcome of Flow, Perfection, Excellence & Fulfillment

This was the tagline given to the course by our faculty. She had explained the terms like Flow, Perfection, Excellence, Fulfillment etc in detail. The words which we use in our daily lives. Eg: Macha Dhoni is in full form and in the flow, The Manager was Excellent etc These words were being used casually. Analyzing through a microscope, these words have greater meaning and context.

Flow theory is very much profound. If an organisation has a flow promoting work environment, it leads to better organisational performance. A person is in flow if things are getting done without having to put enormous time and energy. The work gets done so naturally by him. Now, the challenge in front of us is to create an environment where employees can work in full flow. Subsequently, the employees enjoy their work and bring growth to organisation and themselves. Way forward, we need to develop flow based skill set and flow based leadership. In such a scenario the entire organisation will be synchronized.How good will be an organisation, if makes you feel like you are on vacation every single day?

Perfection is a qualitative term rather than a quantitative term. The effect of this attribute has to be set optimally for an individual, in order to maximize his true potential. Perfection leads to setting of high standards for the organisation. This trait streamlines the work by improving quality and accuracy. The end results often gets well rounded by taking care of all details. It avoids future correction and setbacks. Beauty lies in the beholder's eyes.

Graphic show the word Excellence
Excellence is desired by all modern organisations. It is a measure of consistent superior performance that surpasses our requirements and expectations without significant flaws. Do we need a picture perfect image of our organisation? Yes! This will strengthen the overall prestige of the organisation both internally and externally. As Managers, we need to create an environment of engaged employees, satisfied customers through more efficient operations, which is a measure of Organisational Excellence.

Fulfillment is the happiness that arises when we realize that we are doing the things which we like from the bottom of the heart. Genuinely happy with our daily activities. This makes our heart filled with responsibility and pride. When the heart's desires are fulfilled, employees experience improvements in well being and satisfaction. I can relate this to "Self Fulfilling Prophecy". An individual's prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, due to positive feedback between the belief and the behavior. Human Personality is also an important contributing factor to the fulfillment experienced by an individual.

The postlude of the lecture was to do the MBTI Survey, to find out your personality!

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Personality Types

Image result for each one is unique

What is my personality type?

 MBTI Excercise

At first, i felt that the MBTI survey was too long and exhausting. But at the end of it, i had learnt about various types of personalities. Their exclusive features, and each one is beautiful in their own way. It was intriguing to note the there are 16 personalities, which makes me to appreciate the creation of God. I have just put a Biblical verse to convey the profoundness. After all the entire world is built up like that. Diversity in personality is like different species of flowers. All are different, but beautiful. One has to consider this world as home with each and every individual as their family members. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam from the Maha Upanishad reiterates the same. Once a person understands this, i believe the world would be better place to live in harmony with peace and love. Conflicts may arise in our day to day working, but at the end of the day, the world is built by us. I learnt that one has to understand the personal traits of a person and appreciate them to do better. This was the prelude given to start cracking on the RBS Excercise, which i had done extensively.
Image result for personality types