Tuesday 25 June 2019

Personality Types

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What is my personality type?

 MBTI Excercise

At first, i felt that the MBTI survey was too long and exhausting. But at the end of it, i had learnt about various types of personalities. Their exclusive features, and each one is beautiful in their own way. It was intriguing to note the there are 16 personalities, which makes me to appreciate the creation of God. I have just put a Biblical verse to convey the profoundness. After all the entire world is built up like that. Diversity in personality is like different species of flowers. All are different, but beautiful. One has to consider this world as home with each and every individual as their family members. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam from the Maha Upanishad reiterates the same. Once a person understands this, i believe the world would be better place to live in harmony with peace and love. Conflicts may arise in our day to day working, but at the end of the day, the world is built by us. I learnt that one has to understand the personal traits of a person and appreciate them to do better. This was the prelude given to start cracking on the RBS Excercise, which i had done extensively.
Image result for personality types

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