Sunday 21 July 2019

Becoming emotionally competent

Becoming emotionally competent

I belong to a Government Organisation. I have seen several officers who are extremely talented in terms of knowledge, influence, power, decision making etc. But there are only a handful of them who are emotionally competent. Being emotionally competent is the need of the hour.

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Understanding the facial expressions, body language etc makes a person emotionally competent. EQ is something which should be high in an individual as compared to IQ. A manager has to understand what the employees are going through. One has to be kind enough to understand them and treat them with sympathy and empathy.

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Emotional competence refers to the essential social skills to recognise, interpret and respond constructively to emotions in yourself and others. This will help us to deal with several personalities and tells us how to behave with them.

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Even in personal relationships, emotional competency helps us to be together in the ups and downs as it helps us to handle feelings,trust, flexibility, intimacy, disagreements, expectations and forgiveness.
Emotional competence requires being able to walk in the other person’s shoes. Everyone brings a baggage like mood or anxiety issues or unsupportive parents, narcissism etc. Emotional competency helps us to handle such issues at ease.

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Emotional competence can make any business thriving or surviving or failing. Emotional intelligence based on self-awareness, motivation, self regulation, empathy etc determine our potential to learn new things at our work places. Emotional competence is the degree to which we manifest that potential in the workplace.

Eg: The salesman who had the record sales was found to be harnessing the potential of his emotional competence with his customers.

Emotionally competent managers and workers perform best. Hence, it is very much essential to harness emotional intelligence as a skill.
Image result for treat everyone kindly

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