Sunday 21 July 2019

Biases and Mental Models

Biases and Mental Models

We have several biases in our minds  which is backed up by our thoughts and feelings. The atmosphere and environment in which we have grown up or experienced has a major role with respect to these biases.

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Biases are false assumptions, which is not true. Biases are like the lenses, which are worn by people. The lens has the capability of either giving more clarity or to impair the vision. Even biases have a same effect on our mind. At instances we use the biases one after another.
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Beliefs and opinions are agents of the mind. A mental model is a map to explain how certain things work Its a tool for understanding. Mental models guide our opinions and behavior. Mental models are deeply held beliefs on how the world works.
Example: Supply and Demand Curves are mental models to understand economics.
These are basically the thinking tools which can be used to understand life, make decisions and solve problems. Learning a new mental model helps us to see a new world. Mental models can be imperfect, but still can be useful.
Image result for ladder of inference
Thus,mental models are frameworks consisting of our underlying assumptions from socialisation, values, beliefs, education and experience that helps us to organise information. Mental model influences, leadership, reasoning and thus organisational outcomes. Mental models often become barriers to change rather than acting as enablers.
Menta models will be useful in taking important life decisions. The decisions are the outcome of our mental model. One has to be prudent enough to understand this and apply in their lifetime.
Image result for mental model

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