Sunday 21 July 2019

Instrinsic Motivation: Finding meaning in work,Becoming a self actualising individual

Instrinsic Motivation

Life begins from within. In the same way intrinsic motivation begins from the inner you. People who are intrinsically motivated have a better meaning of purpose in their lives. They are like the unstoppable, who can’t be affected by external factors.Intrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards.Motivation for engagement comes from being natural. It is like to say, have a purpose and so you don't need any motivation.

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Intrinsically motivated people do the work on a pure enjoyment. Intrinsic motivation creates a positive emotions in an individual which gives them the natural kick of doing things. They constantly work to get the positive emotions. Intrinsically motivated people are passionate about what they do. They put their heart and soul in getting the things done without bothering about the results.

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Involving in activities can stimulate awesome feelings when they give people a sense of satisfaction like participating in volunteer or church events. They may also give you a sense of progress when you see that your work is accomplishing something positive or competence when you learn something new or become more skilled at a task.

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Self Actualizing Individuals

Self Actualizing individuals are the natural people. Many times i have experienced self-actualization. It really gives me goosebumps, when i think of such situations and incidents. I was feeling extremely delighted when i imagine that i am fulfilling my deeds as a self actualizing individual. 

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Self actualization is achieved when we are able to reach the full potential be it creative, intellectual or social. Self actualised individuals have peak experiences, which i had referred to as goose bumps in the previous paragraph. Those are the moments of transcendence in which a person emerges after transformation.

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Self actualised person can have a creative life as they fully use their potential. Such persons are spontaneous and unconventional. They don’t follow generally accepted social expectations, as they don’t feel confined by these norms in their thoughts or behaviour. They emphasise on the need for personal growth and development throughout one’s life. Self Actualization lies in the topmost level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It is the final stage in the linear growth of the individual.

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Self actualisation is not about making the most money or being the most famous person. Its all about getting that happiness, content,peace and mindfulness. Self actualisation involves the pursuit of excellence and enjoyment, whichever people chose to desire and emphasize. Self Actualisation is truly about achieving your dreams.

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