Thursday 18 July 2019

Playing your Strengths! How do we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us?

Image result for reflected best self
Playing Your Strengths!

The most important component of a person is his/her strength. The first thing which comes to my mind is the picture given below. Strengths lie at the core of a person. As Managers, we need to identify the strengths of a person and nurture the person to flourish. Strengths must be sharpened, honed and toughened. In order to do that we need to identify the right strength within ourselves, within our friends and within out team. Strength based approach will create a positive organisational culture.Image result for african tribe which praises one another

Giving positive feedback to other people will create an atmosphere filled with positive vibrations. Generally, a positive feedback is associated with the underlying strength of any individual. The Reflected Best Self exercise is based on the very same concept. The RBS exercise helps us to identify our strengths through the words of our near and dear ones. RBS helps us to create a beautiful poster, painted by the colors of strengths in the canvas of past, which further acts as a portal to launch us into the future with vibrant qualities.

How do we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us? (Johari Window Excercise)
We have an image of ourselves in our mind. Similarly, others have an image of our personality in their minds. There is an intersection of these two images. Sometimes the two images are totally different. Now, arises a question in our mind which of the two is true? Do we have only these two images? Do we have any other image which is hidden?
Related image

Johari window excercise gives us a clear image of ourselves. Awareness about the self gets enhanced.Next, is the Johari window, which i had heard for the first time. This is a simple tool for self-awareness, mutual understanding between individuals. I had come to learn a lot about myself, which gave me an eureka moment. I really loved this exercise because my team mates were not judgmental. This activity had helped me to understand others' relationship with me. Most importantly my strengths and myself. The reading exercises, how to play your strength and Managing Oneself had given a clear idea.on how to go ahead with lives.
Image result for every person has 3 masks

The next topic which was wonderful to me is the Japanese concept of purpose "IKIGAI". The above picture depicts the profound concept in a single frame. How productive will our life be, if we wake up everyday to solve the purpose of life. How happy and motivating it would be to chase our passion. I would really jump out of my bed everyday to follow my bliss. The center portion in the image is where we get the satisfaction and true happiness of life. Happy life means a long life, which has a central core of meaningful purpose.
Image result for ikigai

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