Thursday 18 July 2019

Ethical Dilemmas

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Often we are faced with ethical dilemmas in life. Even good managers may take unethical decision in life. Ethics is always kept at the last chapter of any professional degree. Again this is an ethical dilemma whether to keep it as a first chapter or last. There is a doubt on whether to decide based upon moral philosophy or an imperative decision. There is an ethical paradox.

Ethics is doing the right things when nobody else is watching.

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Right from the morning, we have dilemmas in our lives. Whether to snooze the alarm? whether to skip the signal while rushing for office? But, these decisions are very small when compared to the real life scenarios which we need to face. Doing the right things involve the right mix of personnel, professional and societal ethics.

Some of the times when we face ethical dilemmas are in situations such as,
1.Truth Vs Loyalty
2.Individual Vs Community
3.Short term Vs Long term
4.Justice Vs Mercy

The easiest way to stick to morality and code of conduct is not to lie, because one lie makes many. It keeps on multiplying and hides the reality or the ground situation. We need to be give credible information considering the moral, ethical and legal impact it can have on oneself and their surroundings. There can be some situations where we may not be able to take ethical decisions, in such case we can take expert opinions from our elders,seniors or colleagues who have had a similar experience. We need to mentally be prepared on how we are going to communicate and should act responsibly with confidence and style.

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