Sunday 21 July 2019

Congruence: Building Authenticity

Congruence: Building Authenticity

In an era of the millennial and technocrats, authenticity is still in its infancy. How comfortable we are in trusting our colleagues, bosses, neighbours, clients etc. ?There is always an element of doubt due to inauthentic behaviour exhibited by people. How authentic  are relationship between individuals?
Building authenticity requires time,mutual care and interest.

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Authentic  leadership is the most desired by all. An authentic leader will emphasize on building legitimacy through honest relationships with followers who value their input. Such a leadership skill is built upon the foundation of ethics. Generally, authentic leaders are highly positive and optimistic. Authentic leaders promote openness.  They improve the individual and team performances by building trust.

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People believe that entire organisation can behave like an authentic person through responsibility, reactions to uncertainty and creativity.

An authentic leader makes a team to believe in itself and its true potential. Authentic leaders create an emotional or psychological response from their followers, which leads to increase in individual and team performance altogether.

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Authentic leadership is an outcome of lifetime of experiences. No training can contribute significantly to authentic leadership. It comes from within.

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